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How to used the earth backhoe and its types

Types of earth backhoe 

There are many machines of the earth, where there are types that raise the soil a little depth and other types that deepen in the soil and some of the soil turns the heart completely and some of the fragmentation and softening of the soil. Some of these machines resist dense in-depth weeds and some can not work under such conditions. In general, equipment for land cultivation can be divided into the following:
1 - Plows Excavator: Chisel plows
There are many types of plows, depending on how they are connected to the tractor, according to the width of the plow, the distance between the bronchial and the bronchial, whether they are flexible or solid, and the type and dimensions of the arms.
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2. Moldboard and disk plows
These plows are the core of the soil and differ in the shape of the weapon and how it is connected to the tractor and the width and number of weapons. There are two main types of plows, plows and plows.
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3-Rotary plows
These plows stir and soften the soil in a small depth, including self and other types of tractor. These plows differ in the type of weapons. The weapons may be solid or flexible and may be large or small. These plows are often used in the process of hoeing.

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4- Harrows: 
There are many types of combs and may be disk combs or combs with solid teeth or combs with flexible teeth and in each of these combs there are many types that differ in the form of weapons and display work and distance between teeth or weapons and the number of rows of weapons and so on.

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5. Plows under soil: Subsoilers
These plows are sometimes used in the presence of underground layers under the surface of the soil. These types of plows differ in the number of weapons, in the depth of the weapons and in other specifications.
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These beads are used to make lines before planting the earth in some crops such as cotton and maize. These vesicles differ in the width of the work, in the distance between the vesicles and in the way the angles and distances of the vesicles are shaped.

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7 - Other types of plows:
There are other types of seed graft machines such as Vibrator. These types of weapons include the plows of one of the previous types, but the weapons have a vibratory movement. These plows differ in the speed of the vibration, the direction and pattern of the vibration movement and the shape of the weapon. Other types of plows have vertical axes.

How to used the earth backhoe and its types

How to used the earth backhoe and its types

Types of earth backhoe 

There are many machines of the earth, where there are types that raise the soil a little depth and other types that deepen in the soil and some of the soil turns the heart completely and some of the fragmentation and softening of the soil. Some of these machines resist dense in-depth weeds and some can not work under such conditions. In general, equipment for land cultivation can be divided into the following:
1 - Plows Excavator: Chisel plows
There are many types of plows, depending on how they are connected to the tractor, according to the width of the plow, the distance between the bronchial and the bronchial, whether they are flexible or solid, and the type and dimensions of the arms.
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2. Moldboard and disk plows
These plows are the core of the soil and differ in the shape of the weapon and how it is connected to the tractor and the width and number of weapons. There are two main types of plows, plows and plows.
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3-Rotary plows
These plows stir and soften the soil in a small depth, including self and other types of tractor. These plows differ in the type of weapons. The weapons may be solid or flexible and may be large or small. These plows are often used in the process of hoeing.

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4- Harrows: 
There are many types of combs and may be disk combs or combs with solid teeth or combs with flexible teeth and in each of these combs there are many types that differ in the form of weapons and display work and distance between teeth or weapons and the number of rows of weapons and so on.

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5. Plows under soil: Subsoilers
These plows are sometimes used in the presence of underground layers under the surface of the soil. These types of plows differ in the number of weapons, in the depth of the weapons and in other specifications.
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These beads are used to make lines before planting the earth in some crops such as cotton and maize. These vesicles differ in the width of the work, in the distance between the vesicles and in the way the angles and distances of the vesicles are shaped.

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7 - Other types of plows:
There are other types of seed graft machines such as Vibrator. These types of weapons include the plows of one of the previous types, but the weapons have a vibratory movement. These plows differ in the speed of the vibration, the direction and pattern of the vibration movement and the shape of the weapon. Other types of plows have vertical axes.

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