Heavy machinery

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How it works Weed control machines hoeing

How it works Weed control machines hoeing
Weed control machines

machines Cultivators

Hoeing machines raise the soil at a low depth to uproot weeds and provide opportunities for plant growth. The process of hoeing is frequent after the emergence of crops crop shortly to resist the grass that begins to appear with the growth of plants. The hoeing process also helps to the soil and increase its ability to retain its moisture. Hoeing is the most effective and effective method of weed control. Flame, chemical pesticides or handwashing can be used to resist weeds, but these methods are more expensive and more polluting to the environment. For the success of automatic ripping, the following conditions must be met:
1. Agriculture by mechanical sowing machines.
2- The distance between the rows of plants.
3 - settling the soil after plowing with precision settling bales.
4 - Use of tractors with great clearance and can change the distance between the wheels.

There are many types of such machines, including hard-kneading machines, flexible weapons or rotary turning machines, such as those attached to or behind the jars or may be self-propelled.

The most important reasons for the use of ripping machines include:

1- Weed control among the plants.
2- Preparing soil surface to receive irrigation water.
3- Improving soil permeability.
4 - fill the deep cracks in the soil and thus protect the roots of the plants from the cutting and drought between the irrigation.
5. Preparation of soil surface for harvesting operations in the last isolation.
6. Mix chemical fertilizers or pesticides in the soil.
One of the most important specifications of tractors used with the brakes is the possibility of changing the distance between the front or rear wheels to suit the work with different crops and should have clearance (vertical distance under the wheel hubs) not less than 76 cm so as not to damage the plants during high hoeing.

Types of cultivators

There are many cultivators used to cultivate row crops, vegetables and fruits. These hurdles can be divided into the following:

1-Cultivators with shovels and sweeps

These cultivators have a single-armed type and are very much the same as plows and other types, which are the most common, cultivators with separate weapon groups. Each group contains two or more arms hanging down between the rows of plants. According to the distances between the rows of plants and there are these cultivators two types of type attached to the tractor and another type attached behind the tractor may be the arms connected to the browser frame directly may be related to the weapons set one arm connected to the frame must be solid so as not to allow side movement Where it causes damage to plants and may provide these races with wheels to adjust the depth.

The splices are mounted directly on a frame and suspended behind the three wire clips on the jars. The vertical proximity of the suspension points causes a change in the depth of the hoeing in the direction of the jars when lifting or lowering the slug.

Cultivators with rotary - hoe

These weapons are made of many types. The weapons may be solid in the form of an L shape or are flexible and curved in shape or in other forms that give flexibility to the weapon. These weapons may be graded so that the whole surface of the soil will be uprooted as in the case of fruit trees. Of soil between row crops.
The rotary spindles are characterized by their ability to operate at high forward speeds. The weapons cut the surface of the soil into slices that move transversely as well as uprooting the roots of small grasses. Aggregates can be arranged to move the soil either to the row of plants or away from it, and can be directed to plowing the flat or sloping surface of the terrace or lines as in the case of cotton or corn.
Rotary weapons can work more closely than plants with shields to protect them, and it is customary to leave uncut slices within 6 to 8 centimeters near plants

This distance should be left in either rotational or other restraints to allow for precise rotations. It also reduces the driver's stress and thus reduces plant damage and increases machine productivity. Many weapons are used with these interruptions .

Characteristics of rear- mounted and front mounted cultivator
Front suspension for cultivator on the tractor
One of the most important features of the front suspension of the cultivator is that it is easy to direct the machine but requires more control when working close to the plants compared to the rear aggregates, but here is a good view of the tractor driver.

Suspended suspensions are a more difficult front when fitted or removed compared to rear suspensions due to the presence of one or more groups behind the front wheels. For easy installation and dismantling, the frame is rotated around the outside in a specific way and some special screws are needed.
Rear suspension for cultivator on the tractor:
The rear suspension is easier to install and disassemble on the tractor than the front installation and the groups are more stable and thus allow for hoeing next to the plants.
For relatively wide frame hugs, any simple tilt of the tractor causes unacceptable vertical movement, especially at the end. To overcome this problem, wheels are set up to control near both ends of the slit.

Hoeing adjust operations:

The hoeing should be at one depth and at certain distances from the plants. The frame of the spindle is at a certain height so as not to damage the plants. Therefore, there are three controls for the hoeing machine. And also adjust the height of the machine above the plants and the use of front and back aggregates together it is desirable to delay raising or lowering the back group to start the process of hoeing or stop at the same place at the end and the beginning of the field. It is possible to install a hydraulic system so that the number of rows in which the stratification is equal is equal to the number of rows that have been cultured so that the distance is equal to the rows, thus transferring the damage to the plants.

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