Heavy machinery

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how to used farm machinery Harvesting machines

how to used farm machinery Harvesting machines

Harvesting machines

In small holdings, the harvest of grain crops is carried out by manual labor or by the farmers themselves. The crop is then transferred to the collection site for the study process or the field is conducted directly with the fixed tillage machines. Lugs in the agricultural season, which requires machines with high performance rates and the speed of evacuation of the land from the remnants of the previous crop, one machine is used for these operations (harvest, dredging, milling and packing) at the same time called the Harvesting Machine and the Combs

The harvest machine is composed

First: Introduction to Harvesting Machine:
Which is responsible for cutting the crop in preparation for insertion into the chest of the machine and consists of the following parts .
1 - harvester harvester (annexation):
And tilts the crop in the direction of the machine during the process of harvesting so as not to fall plants after cutting in front of the machine is difficult to lift from the surface of the earth, and there are these speculators two types:
    A cylindrical racket consisting of a number of wood or metal plates.
    Racket holders with spring teeth.
The rotation speed of the racket should be adjusted during harvest, as the excess velocity of the racket hits the mature ripens, leading to excessive grain.
2- Guide (divided):
It is a pointed, pyramid-shaped part that determines the path of the machine and separates the desired crop from the rest of the growing crop in the field.
3. Harvest harvester (cutting rod):
It is similar to the harvest cutter located in the reciprocating mower and there are knives that move a frequency movement during the harvest process to cut the crop.
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5. Harvesting and payment of crop:

A piece of helical screw located at the bottom of the front of the cutting part and behind the harvester, which receives the crop, which was cut by cutting knives and assembled from the sides of the lead and directed to the middle of the harvester. .

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Second: the transportation system

The conveyor consists of a conveyor belt or a pathway with a number of beams to transport the crop to the study device.

Third: Studying device

Through which the grain is extracted from the ears through the collision of the nails and rubbing between the surfaces of one fixed and the other moving, and the study device consists of the following parts:
1 - Roller (Darvil) Study:
The drum of the derricks is on the way or rubbing the ears to extract the grains from inside. There are two types of drills
a. Darfil,:
It is a metal cylinder whose outer circumference has serrated rods and is called a pedal roller with a serrated roller. This type is used in machines that are used for harvesting wheat or barley.
B . Spindle with fingers:

It is a cylinder that has a number of prominent fingers around it. In this case, it is called a dorsed finger drum or plank. This type is used when harvesting the rice crop because the rice ears have a high proportion of silicon and it is difficult in the season.

2- Chest:

Which is a half-cylinder crossbars surround the drum from the bottom, and the process of study when the crop is limited between the chest and the dorsal study, and the distance between the dorsal and chest should be adjusted to suit the size of the grain to be studied, do not be too narrow to not perform To break the grain, do not be too wide and pass through the ears without studying. For example, it is recommended to remove 3-5 mm when you study wheat, 6-8 when you study barley.
Fourth: the separation system

It separates grain from straw and consists of the following parts:
1- The study was published
Where the study contributes to the process of separating the grain from the straw resulting from the process of study, where part of the grain through the openings on the chest to the grain lifting the bottom.
2- Shakers (Radakhat)
Which is a number of rectangular units mounted on the shaft of an attachment to move the movement of vibration up and down so that if one of them moving forward to the top, the vibrator next to it moves down and backward, and there are down the openings through which fall through the grain that did not fall from the chest It is transferred to the cleaning device.

Fifth: the cleaning device

The cleaning device receives straw and fallen grains through the holes of the drum and through the holes of the separation device. The cleaning device consists of a number of sieves that move the frequency movement, where the diameter of the openings are chosen according to the type of crop.

The sieves are installed in the cleaning device so that there is a top sieve that holds all the larger than the size of the grain and takes it out of the machine or return it back to the drum untrained ears to be returned to the study device to study again, while the bottom sieve separated the grain from The straws and small straw are then transferred to the grain tank at the top of the machine.
A fan below the sieves produces a strong stream of air that expels the covers, small straw, and anything lighter than grain.

Sixth: Grain Lever:

It is a hoist or belt conveyor that lifts the grain from the bottom of the machine to the grain tank at the top of the machine or out, and by means of a reflector, the grain is unloaded in a bucket or in a grain trailer.

Common Problems in Harvest Machine:

1 - the presence of full ears in the field has not been harvested, and the reason for this is due to the decline after the plants and therefore must move the machine in the opposite direction of the dance until the lifting of the palm-dancer to annex and study.
2 - Enter the stones and dust into the machine because the introduction is too low to be lifted and adjusted to the appropriate height.
3 - Hyper-grain and fall on the ground once the racquet touches the crop due to the failure to adjust the height of the racket, causing direct collision with the cannibals.
4 - the presence of seeds broken in the tank of the machine because of the narrow distance between the chest and Darrell diras.
5 - the existence of the right pills behind the machine may be due to the increase in the intensity of the fan air current under the sieves.

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