Heavy machinery

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how to used machinery for harvesting potatoes and their types

how to used machinery for harvesting potatoes and their types

Harvesting machinery (tubers)
Tuberculosis crops need a special quality of machinery to collect them as they are crops that are formed under the surface of the soil, such as potatoes, potatoes, sugar beet, carrots, etc. These crops are harvested from under the surface of the soil and collected from the soil surface manually or mechanically. .

The harvest of tuberous crops depends on raising the soil layer containing the tubers so that the tubers float above the surface of the soil and are then captured.
Potato crop is one of the most important tuber crops, so we will focus on potato harvesters as an example of crop harvests.
One of the most important problems of crop harvests is how to avoid damage to tubers, especially in crops whose prices are heavily affected by this damage such as potatoes, where damage affects the capacity of tubers for storage and sometimes changes its formal specifications, and this damage in the form of scratch or break, Vials or disk knives that help cut a slice of soil, or during the rotation of tubers during or after harvest.
The transition from manual harvesting to mechanical harvesting has been difficult and slow because of:
1- Different size and shape of tubers.
2. Different soil type.
3 - Difficulty to get rid of the plant part (throne).
4 - cleaning tubers from the soil adhered to.
5. The sensitivity of potato tubers to scratching or bruising.

Potato cuts
Potato cutting machines are divided according to their power supply to:
a. Semi-automatic machines.
B. Cutting machines combined.
1. Semi-automatic cutting machines:
They take the tubers out of the soil and leave them on the surface of the soil to collect by hand workers, including two types:
* Rotary Harvesting Machines
* Harvesting machines with mats.
a. Rotary Harvesting Machine:
This machine is used in heavy land with a single line and consists of a weapon that moves longitudinally under the potato line where it disassembles and dislodges the potatoes from the soil. The rotary thorns then sweep the soil and potatoes and spread them in an area that can be collected by the workers. -3 acres / day.

B) Harvesting machine with separation mats:
In this machine, the soil and tubers are raised by the separation mats made of steel bars straight and connected together to form the mat so that the distance between the rails is sufficient for the passage of the soil The tubers move over the mat back and settle in the narrow potato line, which is easy to collect manually by workers.
The performance rate of this machine is 3-5 acres per day according to the number of machine lines and the number of available labor.
2 - Machines combined mechanically cut:
It dislodges the soil and removes the tubers from the ground to be loaded into the appropriate trailers or packaging.
This machine is used under the same conditions of operation of the harvest machine with the mats of the season, but it is characterized by lifting the tubers completely after separation from the soil and the throne and transported to the trailer and not return to earth again. The components of this machine are similar to the components of the harvest machines with mats except for the number of separation mats. There are one or two lines. The performance rate of this type of machinery ranges from 5-8 feddans per day according to the number of lines.
This machine is expensive and can not be completely disposed of soil residues and impurities by 100%, which requires sorting prior to packing.

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